War thunder best planes for tanking killing in realistic tank battles
War thunder best planes for tanking killing in realistic tank battles

war thunder best planes for tanking killing in realistic tank battles

Most firms will look to licensing from Arasaka corporate security guards, couriers, or mercenaries to protect their assets. The Arasaka Corporation maintains the largest and most powerful armed forces of any corporation in the world, with their guards renowned worldwide and feared by many. Over the years, it has developed a dark reputation as a corporation that is to be feared and one which covers its tracks using assassins, an army of lawyers, as well as an alleged connection to the Yakuza.

war thunder best planes for tanking killing in realistic tank battles

Arasaka-branded weapons and military vehicles are among the most sought after by police and security firms. The company is also the largest distributor of Japanese-made merchandise throughout the American, European, and Asian markets. It is one of the most influential megacorporations in the world. The Arasaka Corporation (Japanese: アラサカ社 or 荒坂社), is a world-wide megacorporation dealing in corporate security, banking, and manufacturing.

war thunder best planes for tanking killing in realistic tank battles

Unknown, Corporation Report 2020 Volume 1

War thunder best planes for tanking killing in realistic tank battles